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GT Identification Process

The identification process for the Gifted and Talented program is an ongoing process which begins in kindergarten and goes through the twelfth grade. The following provides for continuous evaluations.

1. GT nominations or referrals of students for placement are accepted by parents, teachers, peers, etc. You may email me at for a referral form.

2. New students moving into the district must meet the requirements of the district, which follow the Arkansas GT Program Standards. Parents are responsible for having the child's GT file from the previous school sent to the GT Coordinator in the Blevins School District.

3. Parental permission must be given before individual testing can be done. Data is collected and reviewed which include, but is not limited to, at least two objective measures and two subjective measures.

4. Testing includes a creativity test and an intelligence test. Academic records are reviewed, including standardized test scores, student grades, and teacher/parent rating scales.

5. Identification is made by a committee of at least five school personnel, including teachers, counselors, and administration, with the meeting being chaired by the GT Coordinator.

6. Placement of Identified GT students are made in an appropriate program option.

  • GT Identification Process