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Kindergarten Roundup


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March 3, 2025

Hornet Send Off

Hornet Fans, please line up on the street in front of the elementary school. The main road. We can't wait to see you there!

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Upcoming Events

View the full calendar to see all the exciting events we have happening in the next few weeks and months!

Our differentiators

Why Blevins?

Our mission is to cultivate our diverse student body to achieve academic excellence. We strive to produce civic minded members of society that thrive in the global, multicultural world by providing a challenging curriculum that connects students’ lives and their future in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment. 

Blevins’s proven approach to teaching helps teachers teach and students learn. It begins with our traditional philosophy of education. This teacher-directed framework empowers teachers to focus students’ attention on the material they need to learn—in a context and sequence that will help them learn it best.